How to Zwift with Tri Training Harder. A beginners user guide.

Over the coming weeks, the coaches at Tri Training Harder will be organising various Zwift sessions for you. These are great opportunities to ride with your fellow TTH athletes as well as having access to the expert guidance of our TTH coaches. There will be various sessions available from steady group rides, hill rep sessions, group workouts, and maybe even some TTH racing!

In this blog Coach Jon Reilly will give you a brief run-through of everything you need to get started and give you a step by step guide on how to join in with the fun.

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Key nutritional information for the female athlete

A good place to start is the question that always arises regarding the nutritional needs of males versus females. When it comes to the nutrition needs of an athlete, it is more about body composition that will be the determining factor as opposed to the sex of the athlete. The two main keys to determining an athlete’s nutritional requirements is the athletes body fat percentage and the athletes goals/needs. Once you have some key answers to these questions you can begin to unravel the athlete specific requirements, then more importantly for the female athlete. Read on to find out more.

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Mastering Hairpin Turns

When riding in the mountains, most of your time and energy is spent going uphill. However, as we all know, whatever goes up must come down, and due to all that up, you are likely to experience some significant, exhilarating descents. A common feature of those alpine descents that you might not be so familiar with are hairpin turns. The good news for those who need a little practice is that there are usually quite a lot of them strung together, and with a just a few pointers on technique you will be able to see dramatic improvements after just a few days riding.

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Overcoming anxiety in open water swimming

Open water swimming can be a big limiter for a lot of people’s enjoyment of triathlon. However, it really doesn’t need to be. With more and more open water events becoming inclusive and the accessibility of open water swimming venues, Coach Soraya gives you some top tips to overcome any anxiety you may have and how to learn to love the open water environment.

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How to flourish as a triathlon couple – Tri Harmony!

Having a triathlete as a partner may seem like the easiest of lives: You have an automatic training buddy, a wheel to suck when your legs vanish after 100km and someone to push you to get to the pool when you just don’t feel like it. However, in reality, couples in triathlon can have negative outcomes and so here Coach Philip summarises some reflections on his years of coaching athletes and some of the ‘issues’ he sees when balancing training and their significant other.

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How to prepare yourself and your equipment for an Alpine Training Camp

Perhaps you are considering mixing it up a little and swapping your traditional hot weather / pre-season training camp for something a little more adventurous….such as high Alpine passes, crystal clear lakes, and secluded forested trails. While the mountain scenery will undoubtedly be a big positive point to everyone, some of you might be a little apprehensive when imagining endless roads to climb and steep running trails (but at least you are guaranteed the swimming won’t be uphill!). This article will hopefully set your mind at rest however, by letting you know what to expect, and ensuring you have the right equipment and preparation completed before you set off overseas.

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