Posts tagged Jon Reilly
The Long Road to the Start Line – Preparing for a 3,000-Mile Row

In December 2026, I’ll set off from the Canary Islands with my teammates Martin Mead and Scott Dingle, both fellow airline captains, as part of our team, Coastal Commanders. Together, we’ll row 3,000 miles across the Atlantic in the World’s Toughest Row—a challenge that demands far more than just physical endurance.

This is no ordinary race. It takes three years of solid planning and preparation just to get to the start line. We’ll face sleep deprivation, relentless waves, blistering heat, and total isolation, rowing in shifts, non-stop, with no support and no safety net. Our goal? To complete this challenge in under 40 days.

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How do the top carbon shoes make runners faster?

Over recent years there has been a boom in carbon-plated running shoes. Following Nike’s revolutionary Vaporfly 4%, most of the major running shoe brands have now developed their own carbon-plated models. These shoes are all about improving efficiency and, as a result, enhancing your performance. In this two-part blog, Coach Jon explores how these work and how they can make you faster.

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Running every day: Coach Jon’s experience

Having recently completed a ‘run every day’ challenge earlier this year, Coach Jon reflects on his experience of completing the challenge.

Earlier this year, I set myself the challenge of running every day for a month, with no rules, no targets, just lace up the trainers and get out of the door every day. Why? No real reason, apart from a self-fulfilling sense of achievement and a desire to investigate whether a little and often approach would bring about any tangible running improvements. Before I let you know how I got on, let’s take a look at some of the benefits and negative aspects of running every day.

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TTH Live S&C sessions: What are they and how might they benefit me?

Here Coach Jon highlights some of the benefits of our Live Tri Training Harder Strength and Conditioning sessions.

Tri Training Harder initially began hosting live strength and conditioning sessions for all our coached athletes via Zoom during the COVID 19 pandemic. Due to the popularity and convenience of performing an ‘at-home workout,’ they have become a staple part of many of our coached athletes' weekly schedules. We know that strength training has many great benefits for endurance athletes. Today’s blog explores the advantages of performing your strength training live with one of our TTH coaches.

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How to get the best night’s sleep before a race

In our recent blog, we investigated the effects of missing an entire night's sleep on race performance. We summarised that a complete lack of sleep the night before a race may alter your perception of effort and possibly slow down your reaction times on race day. In this blog Coach Jon gives us his tips on how to keep those pre-race nerves at bay and get the best night’s sleep before your race.

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Our coaches' top tips for your first IRONMAN

The athletes we work with as a collective and the coaches themselves have competed in countless IRONMAN events worldwide. Drawing on their vast experience, we want to know - what have they learned? Looking back, what would they have told themselves before they took on their very first IRONMAN. Read on to pick up their top tips for first-time IRONMAN athletes.

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How to stay healthy this winter

As many of us have adapted to a Covid secure world with regular hand washing, face masks and social distancing, the chances of us picking up a common cold or flu this winter may be much lower. However, as we move into the winter months, there is still plenty that we can all do to make sure we stay healthy this winter, Coach Jon takes us through a few things we may want to consider.

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