Triathlon doesn't need to be so lonely...

Triathlon can often be a lonely road and the training can at times be challenging to complete. In the beginning gains can come easily and enthusiasm is high but with time this fades and performance gains can be harder to find. So how do successful athletes maintain this momentum and enthusiasm over the long term? Simple, they reach out to others and join a group that share a mutual support in each others athletic journey. Often this comes in the form of clubs, but which one is right for you and why?

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How to plan your race nutrition

There will have been hours in the pool, on the bike and in your running trainers leading up to this moment - race day. Getting nutrition right in races can be make or break; it needs to be planned and practiced. In this blog I discuss nutritional needs whilst racing, however there is no one set way to do this Everyone has their favourite tasting gel or energy drink, some people get hungry and want solid food others want to stick to liquids throughout. This blog is to help you work out your requirements and what works for you.

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How to Plan your Season

“This race sounds fun, I’m going to sign up”. This was the extent of my planning when I first started triathlon. My husband and I would see a race we liked, and sign up. It didn’t matter when it was or what it was. If it looked fun, we were there. As a result, we often found ourselves racing every weekend weeks on end. Whilst this is fun, it is not exactly the most effective way to train and plan your season, and as a result, we were never performing at our best.

So what is the best way to plan the season? I’m afraid I have to pull the “it depends” card. Having said that, there are a number of considerations you should take into account no matter what, and there is a high level process you could follow that will help you plan your season.

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Training Peaks Endurance Coaching Summit – Tri Training Harder Reflections

From the 18th-20th September, Coaches Philip and Tim were fortunate enough to attend the 2019 Endurance Coaching Summit in Boulder Colorado. The event, hosted and sponsored by Training Peaks, is now in its 5th year attracting coaches and experts from all around the globe offering the only opportunity to collaborate and learn from thought leaders in the endurance industry.

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