The Altitude Centre

Meet The Altitude Centre
The Altitude Centre is a world-leader in simulated altitude chambers. From this expert position, they have developed into physiological testing, heat chambers, group workouts and home rentals. The Altitude Centre offer world-leading support to athletes looking for that extra edge in competition or who want to push themselves in extreme environments. As athletes look to maximise the time they have available for training, the services the Altitude Centre offers can help maximise and optimise the training time available saving athletes time.
What do they offer?
The Altitude Centre support Tri Training Harder athletes with their lab and environmental chambers. Athletes can get their physiological testing to identify their VO2 Max, locate thresholds, metabolic profile and also their sport economy. Athletes can increase their red blood cell count by improving their performance through specific and target altitude training using their sleep high, train low or sleep low, train high options, either in their altitude chamber, or through their rental scheme. Finally, athletes can also now prepare for hot races in their heat chambers.
Why we like working with The Altitude Centre?
The Altitude Centre merges science, individualisation and simplicity to provide a service that is fit for world champions and general athletes looking to get a little bit more out of their training. The team are helpful and supports our coaches in creating the ideal plan for athletes after any physiological testing or when creating the ideal bespoke training programme around altitude acclimatisation or heat adaptions.
The Altitude Centre are one of the world leaders in their field, with athletes and mountaineers travelling from all over the world to take advantage of their expertise and facilities. They have the charm of being in that position and still have a friendly and inclusive approach.
Coached athletes can take advantage of these services with a discount and the knowledge that their coach and The Altitude Centre’s Sports Science team are all working to support them.