Precision Fuel and Hydration

Meet Precision Fuel and Hydration

Precision Fuel and Hydration are the world leaders in hydration and electrolyte products. Created in 2011 after their founder Andy Blow, a keen elite athlete was having issues with hotter races identified that sodium concentrations of sweat played a significant part in poor performances in the heat. They now offer personalised hydration plans. From 2021, they introduced fuel products in the terms of drinks, gels and chews. PF&H really is one of the best in the class. A UK-based company, they are the only company to be able to understand what an individual sweats and then use that to formulate a hydration strategy.

What do they offer?

Precision Fuel and Hydration have a full range of products (check out their website below). However, they are revolutionary because they offer sweat testing. As we know, sweat rates and sweat concentration is the critical first step to a fuelling and hydration strategy. Begin with their online or in-person sweat test. The in-person one gives you a precise number to work with. You will know what your sodium concentration of sweat is per litre of fluid lost. This then helps you choose the right type of product for you.

The product range includes:

  • Electrolyte sachets

  • Electrolyte blister packs

  • Electrolyte Tablets

  • Chews

  • Gels

  • Energy drinks

Why we like working with Precision Fuel and Hydration

We like working with Precision Fuel and Hydration because they really are the best in their class. They are the only reliable source of electrolyte fuelling in the market and enable athletes to make a clear and easy strategy around their hydration. Since they also brought fuelling products into the market, there is more choice now of high-quality nutrition.

PF&H also work alongside our coaches to ensure they are giving you the best possible information and keep them current with their advice to athletes.