6 Benefits of Attending a Warm Weather Training Camp

Training camps can often seem like an expensive week of torture, however if you put some thought into what you want to gain from attending a training camp then you could set yourself up for your most successful season to date. Below, we have set out a list of the reasons you should attend a training camp this year:  

1.    The Weather

Training through the British winter (and even spring and autumn for that matter!) can be miserable at the best of times. A training camp offers you the perfect opportunity to get outside and complete your sessions with the wind in your hair and the sun on your back. You will return to the UK with a spring in your step and a renewed motivation for training for the upcoming season.


2.    The Training Benefit

A training camp will allow you to leave your regular life and routine behind for a few days and purely focus on training. No distractions, no last-minute meetings, no excuses! Even a one-week block of focused training can have a huge positive impact on athletic performance for the remainder of the season.

3.    The Coaching

The opportunity to have access to top-level coaches when it suits you during your training camp is invaluable. Coaches will be watching and analysing your training over the course of the week and will always be on hand to offer feedback when desired.

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Coaching comment: “As well as the overload benefit of cycling, Tri Training Harder also have a large coaching team to allow us to keep our coach to athlete ratios low. Every athlete that visits our training camp is given a full technical assessment, including video analysis of swimming and running, to give the athlete the information with which to reach their athletic goals.”

4.    Company

The benefits of training and socialising with like-minded individuals are enormous. The most long lasting friendships are forged through joint experiences and a training camp offers plenty of challenging experiences for everyone in attendance. It’s not uncommon to see guests arrive as complete strangers and leave as friends for life!


5.    Recovery

Rest and recovery are often neglected. A training camp offers you the opportunity to not only train like a professional athlete but also recover like a professional athlete. With time to stretch, relax and sleep, a training camp will have everything set up so that all you have to concentrate on is getting the most from every session.

6.    The Facilities

A training camp location should give you access to elite level training facilities that may be difficult to come across when back at home. Open water swimming locations, running tracks and endless smooth roads for cycling are what you should expect to be on the doorstep of a training camp location.


Coaching comment: “Golden beaches for open water swimming and a 50m pool for indoor sessions; mountain trails and a 400m track for running; and no end to the smooth roads for cycling on in the area. The Algarve is the perfect location to take a training holiday for athletes of all abilities.”

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