1. Racing Abroad: An Introduction

This is the first blog in a series of four that will leave you feeling prepared to tackle your next overseas triathlon race.

Preparing for a World Championship event abroad or any event abroad for that matter can be a pretty daunting task but if you break it down into steps and make sure you have all things planned before you go this will give you some very important breathing space.

At Tri Training Harder we have prepared a series of blog articles to give you some helpful advice on how to plan your time, sort out your travel arrangements and party afterwards. In the second article in the series everything from deciding on your flight date to choosing the right air carrier to packing your bike box so that you don’t get a nasty shock when arriving at the airport is covered. The third article gives you helpful advice on adapting to your new surroundings, training in the location and preparing everything for your race. The final (arguably some individuals’ most important part of the trip) article is on post-race partying and activities.

Hopefully you will find all the information you need and enjoy reading!

Don’t 'fail to prepare, prepare to fail' in your biggest event of the year.